My name is ned. I recently stumbled on your blog while looking for info on the AT.
Is there any way to email you? I have tons of questions about what it's like to thru hike. I am considering a thru hike for 2009 and have just begun to start preliminary planning.
My email is
I would appreciate any kind of info you would be willing to share.
You never sit still, do you! We just missed each other in July...I was up in Wyoming and SD for a week.
We're headed out to the Nevada desert for a week over Labor Day to shot photos and enjoy the cool weather.
Hope the rest of the trip was good.
I recently scanned all of my dad's old transparencies and came across some you might like to have. Lots of photos of your mom and dad, and you, Tom and Debbie back in the 60's. Let me know when you get back and I'll send some your way.
Good to hear from you! Sorry I missed you out on the trail. Congratulations on finishing the trail! I checked your journal from time to time and will try to read more when I get caught up.
I'll be posting a gear list soon on my website I did most of my resupply by shopping along the way. Some food drops I did were at Benchmark Ranch, Twin Lakes, Ghost Ranch, Mack's Inn, Doc Campbell's, and Pie Town.
The most recent guide book I can find re the CO CDT is 2004. My friend and I have hiked all of the Colorado Trail and the CDT from the New Mexico border to Webster Pass and a few segments in RMNP. The description of the trail from Webster Pass to Berthoud Pass makes it sound like a mostly not-a-trail that is very dangerous. How did you find it? Thanks. DawnWalker
I'm not going to be of much help on this one. If I'm not mistaken the CDTS route that I took runs to the west of much of the segment you are looking at, and due to deep snow in the area I was an on an alternate route on the rest of it.
ReplyDeleteEnjoying your hiking accounts. Is there a link to both your gear list and your resupply locations?
Hey Buck,
ReplyDeleteMy name is ned. I recently stumbled on your blog while looking for info on the AT.
Is there any way to email you? I have tons of questions about what it's like to thru hike. I am considering a thru hike for 2009 and have just begun to start preliminary planning.
My email is
I would appreciate any kind of info you would be willing to share.
Hey Bruce!
ReplyDeleteYou never sit still, do you! We just missed each other in July...I was up in Wyoming and SD for a week.
We're headed out to the Nevada desert for a week over Labor Day to shot photos and enjoy the cool weather.
Hope the rest of the trip was good.
I recently scanned all of my dad's old transparencies and came across some you might like to have. Lots of photos of your mom and dad, and you, Tom and Debbie back in the 60's. Let me know when you get back and I'll send some your way.
Tom Zinn
Will you be putting together a DVD of your CDT hike similar to your Alaskan hike?
Too bad we missed you out there. We had been following your diamond tracks forever and must have leap frogged you somewhere out there.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for a great hike. Hope your hike was as unforgettable as ours.
Boston & Cubby
AT '05 and CDT '08
Hi Boston and Cubby,
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you! Sorry I missed you out on the trail. Congratulations on finishing the trail! I checked your journal from time to time and will try to read more when I get caught up.
Hi jd,
ReplyDeleteI'll be posting a gear list soon on my website I did most of my resupply by shopping along the way. Some food drops I did were at Benchmark Ranch, Twin Lakes, Ghost Ranch, Mack's Inn, Doc Campbell's, and Pie Town.
Hi Ned,
ReplyDeleteYou can find an email link on my website at
Hi Tom,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post! It would have been fun to run across you in Wyoming.
I expect to be back to AK in mid-November. That would be fun to see those old shots.
Have a good day!
Hi Asher,
ReplyDeleteI won't be doing a DVD of this trip but will be posting lots more photos and perhaps some video clips on my website and/or youtube.
The most recent guide book I can find re the CO CDT is 2004. My friend and I have hiked all of the Colorado Trail and the CDT from the New Mexico border to Webster Pass and a few segments in RMNP. The description of the trail from Webster Pass to Berthoud Pass makes it sound like a mostly not-a-trail that is very dangerous. How did you find it? Thanks. DawnWalker
ReplyDeleteHi Dawnwalker,
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to be of much help on this one. If I'm not mistaken the CDTS route that I took runs to the west of much of the segment you are looking at, and due to deep snow in the area I was an on an alternate route on the rest of it.
Sorry about that. Best of luck with your hike.
Buck aka Colter