Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Alone in the Fortress of the Bears: Now an Audio Book!

"Living off the land" for seventy days, surviving on only the foods I could harvest myself, was a lifelong dream of mine.

I have now told my story in an audio book, narrated in my own voice.

I had a hard time putting the book down once I began reading. I rationed it by reading only 2 or 3 chapters a day to make it last longer. Some books written in journal or diary style can be a chore to read. Not this one. It's well written and the story flows easily in his matter-of-fact style of writing. It's as if you are alongside Buck. You quiver with anticipation as he pulls up his crab trap to find what is inside. Your heart pounds as he wades through tall grass, having spotted a brown bear just ahead. You tremble with excitement and trepidation as he fights a monster halibut from his inflatable kayak. He intersperses his tale with related experiences from his past which further increases the appeal of this book. If you're an outdoorsman, or if you like tales of adventure or both, you will love this book. Amazon review

Listen today!

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